Finally,i have people go shoppin with me
Hunting for baju cny
Y'all know la,cny have to wear all new clothes and stuff
Some even said have to wear new UNDERWEAR
i was like "new year,new underwear?"
So....Ying,How & i went to Mid valley that day
cause we're to happy to skip sociology tutorial
Was planning for lunch tho,not really shoppin
after wandering all around TOPMAN,PHILOSOPHY
I cant believe that nothing catches me eyes
Normally i'l just take this and that like "snap" easy
But i didnt manage to get anything at MV
IDKW(i dont know why) them men clothes they are selling are getting Sissy & sissier all the freakin time....they have all these tshirt with the DEEP V all down to the middle of yo chest(like,real low..perhaps to the belly button)
all flowery,red & pink..see through....OMG
whats wrong with the world
For me,i can only buy clothes at those imported brand shops
like topman and stuff
cause with me size so biggy,i can easily fit in those foreign big size clothes
i cant really buy clothes from Time square,Sungei Wang
Cause all them clothes purposely sell the "LALA" size only
Like from 13 to 17 years old
So,we're done with MV,then How suggested to go SUNGEI WANG
Different people different taste okay
So we headed to TS and SW
Went in shop by shop
How manage to buy few clothes tho
but for me,these damn clothes kept rejecting me
But it's not like i really want them low quality cheap clothes tho
They even have those Cheap sales guy,girl saying
right to me face
THANKS!thats why their future can only be at these malls shops workin
=x=x evil me

At last,i went to RADIOACTIVE
it's a not lala and not local-like shop
and bought like 4 clothes
Not so expensive tho,around 150 bugs
and i got some K-leh-feh CD for free
Man Jiang Hong
Purchase above rm120 can get this for free
Their songs are still okay..not like super not good la
some local singing klefeh
So,thats all about the shoppin
Promised myself not to waste time going to SW and TS for clothes ady
Hunting for baju cny
Y'all know la,cny have to wear all new clothes and stuff
Some even said have to wear new UNDERWEAR
i was like "new year,new underwear?"
So....Ying,How & i went to Mid valley that day
cause we're to happy to skip sociology tutorial
Was planning for lunch tho,not really shoppin
after wandering all around TOPMAN,PHILOSOPHY
I cant believe that nothing catches me eyes
Normally i'l just take this and that like "snap" easy
But i didnt manage to get anything at MV
IDKW(i dont know why) them men clothes they are selling are getting Sissy & sissier all the freakin time....they have all these tshirt with the DEEP V all down to the middle of yo chest(like,real low..perhaps to the belly button)
all flowery,red & pink..see through....OMG
whats wrong with the world
For me,i can only buy clothes at those imported brand shops
like topman and stuff
cause with me size so biggy,i can easily fit in those foreign big size clothes
i cant really buy clothes from Time square,Sungei Wang
Cause all them clothes purposely sell the "LALA" size only
Like from 13 to 17 years old
So,we're done with MV,then How suggested to go SUNGEI WANG
Different people different taste okay
So we headed to TS and SW
Went in shop by shop
How manage to buy few clothes tho
but for me,these damn clothes kept rejecting me
But it's not like i really want them low quality cheap clothes tho
They even have those Cheap sales guy,girl saying
right to me face
THANKS!thats why their future can only be at these malls shops workin
=x=x evil me

At last,i went to RADIOACTIVE
it's a not lala and not local-like shop
and bought like 4 clothes
Not so expensive tho,around 150 bugs
and i got some K-leh-feh CD for free

Purchase above rm120 can get this for free
Their songs are still okay..not like super not good la
some local singing klefeh
So,thats all about the shoppin
Promised myself not to waste time going to SW and TS for clothes ady
Happy Belated New Year Guys!
Cheers for 2009!
Current Track-LeeHom-Everything
(Superbly nice song from his latest album which is not even out yet)
Starting 2009 with fever and flu
Bad bad bad thing
New Year was okay,spent it with family at home
Didnt see any of them fireworks...
New Year's resolution?
I'm not really into listing all them bulls out
Just hope that life wont turn out to be shitty this year
Saying "getting perfect results for foundations" wont really help tho
So yesterday was the first day of class after my self declared holidays
Felt so different to go back to class when you feel all lazy and stuff
It's a long time no see for me gang
I thought they'll be like yeehaa and chittychatty
Turned out to be all lamey and sick-lah,gloomy la....wtfish
Nvm tho,expected..
A:How come everyone like that arrr?
B:How come we're the normal ones?
so right
Class went on like normal,we people didnt listen to lectures as usual
I discovered that i have a "Mui Fu" today
Mui Fu=Younger Sister's Husband
Last but not least,
Happy Birthday!!
Xx___Janez Cheang__xX
*We have something coming up for you*
Hope it's not Try-to-surprise-but-failed
Time to get some sleep
Goodnight World
Cheers for 2009!
Current Track-LeeHom-Everything
(Superbly nice song from his latest album which is not even out yet)
Starting 2009 with fever and flu
Bad bad bad thing
New Year was okay,spent it with family at home
Didnt see any of them fireworks...
New Year's resolution?
I'm not really into listing all them bulls out
Just hope that life wont turn out to be shitty this year
Saying "getting perfect results for foundations" wont really help tho
So yesterday was the first day of class after my self declared holidays
Felt so different to go back to class when you feel all lazy and stuff
It's a long time no see for me gang
I thought they'll be like yeehaa and chittychatty
Turned out to be all lamey and sick-lah,gloomy la....wtfish
Nvm tho,expected..
A:How come everyone like that arrr?
B:How come we're the normal ones?
so right
Class went on like normal,we people didnt listen to lectures as usual
I discovered that i have a "Mui Fu" today
Mui Fu=Younger Sister's Husband
Last but not least,
Happy Birthday!!
*We have something coming up for you*
Hope it's not Try-to-surprise-but-failed
Time to get some sleep
Goodnight World