Since 2nd of August
8/05/2008 07:57:00 PMSaturday,2nd August

Spent my night at HALO,sunway
There's this singer,Jerry(excellent voice)
But then he was replace with a bunch of MALAO(monkeys)
singin english sings..totally changed the atmosphere..
Then saw these people dancin to high school musical
it was actually the gang from the tv show in Wah Lai Toi
"Mou Gik Han"
(dancin battle,danny wen)
Monday,4th August
During Public speaking lecture,
we're separated in groups to form a speech
and the speaker have to stand on a TABLE to speak~
(sorry Joshua=x)
Tuesday,5th August

Today's the day we had to debate for computer studies
I'm sooo soo soo worried bout it cause it's my first time
and i'm the freakin first speaker..
it was so nerve-wrecking during the debating session
but fortunately we came up with the best points ever~!
and somehow we seemed to be the winner
(not proven by lecturer,only the audience)
Thanks JEFF,Lissa,bao & Zheryin!!
here you go for today's pic
(not during the debate tho,just pure camwhoring)
Edmund's Formal Look =x
Zher yin with her limao ais pose~!

Thanks Hao Hao For the Fit formal SHoes~!!
Spent my night at HALO,sunway
There's this singer,Jerry(excellent voice)
But then he was replace with a bunch of MALAO(monkeys)
singin english sings..totally changed the atmosphere..
it was actually the gang from the tv show in Wah Lai Toi
"Mou Gik Han"
(dancin battle,danny wen)
Monday,4th August
we're separated in groups to form a speech
and the speaker have to stand on a TABLE to speak~
(sorry Joshua=x)
Tuesday,5th August

Today's the day we had to debate for computer studies
I'm sooo soo soo worried bout it cause it's my first time
and i'm the freakin first speaker..
it was so nerve-wrecking during the debating session
but fortunately we came up with the best points ever~!
and somehow we seemed to be the winner
(not proven by lecturer,only the audience)

Thanks JEFF,Lissa,bao & Zheryin!!
here you go for today's pic
(not during the debate tho,just pure camwhoring)

Thanks Hao Hao For the Fit formal SHoes~!!