My Sem Break

10/02/2008 12:50:00 AM

Selamat Hari Raya!!

Finally have the time to come back to blogging

it's been weeks of part time jobbing
and i dont really have time to b

FYI,i'm working part time as a receptionist at my sis's tuition centre

On my first day,i'm sent to sit here..sooo office-like

My Parttime working attire

it's the first frickin time i WORK in my life
so dam tiring and stressful..
cause i have to settle all the fees,transport,cla
sses,rooms and stuffs
i work from 2pm to 1
(that means no nightlife)=(
it's kinda in the middle of ev

i'm thrown with tons of standard 5/6 maths workbook to finish it
cause it's the teacher's copy,and they lost the answer..
so poor edmund has to finish few hundred pages of it

But thats for the first few days,for now..i'm sent to a better place doing what a real receptionist should do..
answer calls and meeting parents

for those who i didnt reply their sms'es or calls..
i am sooo sooo sorry for that
cause i'm so packed up with work y'now

Cant wait to go back to ss17 life

Luckily today's public holis,
i can have two days break from work...
which means shopping malls,redbox,movies
i'm coming

oh yah!
For my dear frennies
I freaking miss you guys!!


The not-so-me picture of me!

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