Start of something new
11/23/2008 08:13:00 PMCurrent Track:If i were a boy-Beyonce Knowles
(Super addicted these days)
This week is diff from any other here
I came back to ss17 on Sunday Morning
Which is unsual,cause i'm used to stay till night or monday morning
Cause no need to take care of
Mr.Louis Lee
(My lil nephew)
-Thanks for waking me up at 3 for making you milkie!
Called Alvin at 12pm something,& he's not even awake yet
These days there's so many pigs around
Then we went to MID VALLEY to buy some stuff & Food
after buying all the full priority stuffs,we noticed it's still damn early
so ,wandering around is a must unless we wanna go home at 2 something
Then,Mr edmund here wants to go TOYS'R'US
go see toys la,whatelse..
FYI,edmund is super addicted to BOARD games
So,i came up with an idea of starting a new thing
I suggested why not we buy some board games
so that we can gather at my place with snacks&music&omg
instead of Malls,GSC's,REDBOXES
So that we can save some penny also
which is basically a good thing..i think
so we end up..
Bought"The Game of Life"
(A board game which costs us RM130++)
Well,compared to GSC tickets,Redbox,McD,Taxi..this is a bargain
at least we wont go out like 24/7
Cant wait to open the box to see what's inside..
but have to wait for the guys to come later....
So,Bubye for now....
(Super addicted these days)
This week is diff from any other here
I came back to ss17 on Sunday Morning
Which is unsual,cause i'm used to stay till night or monday morning
Cause no need to take care of
(My lil nephew)
-Thanks for waking me up at 3 for making you milkie!
Called Alvin at 12pm something,& he's not even awake yet
These days there's so many pigs around
Then we went to MID VALLEY to buy some stuff & Food
after buying all the full priority stuffs,we noticed it's still damn early
so ,wandering around is a must unless we wanna go home at 2 something
Then,Mr edmund here wants to go TOYS'R'US
go see toys la,whatelse..
FYI,edmund is super addicted to BOARD games
So,i came up with an idea of starting a new thing
I suggested why not we buy some board games
so that we can gather at my place with snacks&music&omg
instead of Malls,GSC's,REDBOXES
So that we can save some penny also
which is basically a good thing..i think
so we end up..
(A board game which costs us RM130++)
Well,compared to GSC tickets,Redbox,McD,Taxi..this is a bargain
at least we wont go out like 24/7
Cant wait to open the box to see what's inside..
but have to wait for the guys to come later....
So,Bubye for now....