Semester Three
3/01/2009 11:36:00 PMOh-so-fast
Result's out
and i dont need to repeat or resit or re-anything
Thank GOD
Well,i didnt score like all A's & stuff
Just damn relieved that i didnt fail nothing
Those all-night-at-McD-Studyin is finally paying off
but,idk..part of me is satisfied..the other part is like not satisfactory
maybe cause me cgpa thingy didnt meet the passing score
In order to pass,i'll have to get 2.00(i heard)
Your brother here got 1.95
OMG,why cant y'all give me that 0.05?
oh well,i gotta stop whinin tho...
SEM 3's startin tomorrow..
i knew everyone is like a wee bit excited,right
Excited to be in class and sttuff
but i just dont believe there's MATHS
I'll have to shape up for class
Happy Semester y'all!
Result's out
and i dont need to repeat or resit or re-anything
Thank GOD
Well,i didnt score like all A's & stuff
Just damn relieved that i didnt fail nothing
Those all-night-at-McD-Studyin is finally paying off
but,idk..part of me is satisfied..the other part is like not satisfactory
maybe cause me cgpa thingy didnt meet the passing score
In order to pass,i'll have to get 2.00(i heard)
Your brother here got 1.95
OMG,why cant y'all give me that 0.05?
oh well,i gotta stop whinin tho...
SEM 3's startin tomorrow..
i knew everyone is like a wee bit excited,right
Excited to be in class and sttuff
but i just dont believe there's MATHS
I'll have to shape up for class
Happy Semester y'all!