The Edmund's Goes For Facial
6/06/2009 01:12:00 AMCurrent Track:BackstreetBoys-Yes i will
Current Mood:Curious
I'm finally back after a week
FYI,i'm still not able to connect to the internet at my PJ home.
Hopefully,my new housemates will do something bout it.
It's not worth for me to pay for all them modems & registration fees,
as i'll be using the internet for 3 more months.So,yeah.
Living without the internet is a challenge,i can say.
All i did was sitting on my bed,singing to my laptop,
Reading Bogeyman and basically being bored.
So i had a collection of blogging materials in my gadgets.
We'll go one by one to keep you entertained for the weekends,kay?=)
So,this one is about me going to a facial & spa centre for the very first time.
My sis & friend have this discount for bringing new members/whatsoever.
So,decided to go for a try instead of hitting the malls.
*I didnt volunteer for this*

Didnt take pictures in the Facial room,cause it's rude to do that in a room full of half naked people,right?=x
Had thousand kind of Cream and masks applied on my face in that room.
Not to forget the shoulder and hand massage too.I dont really fancy Massages,but it's ohright.

It's Itchmetodeath i can say.You have no idea what those nasty little fishes could do to you.
The TRICK is "Dont look at them".Then you will survive in one piece.=x
phew....i've waited hours for those pictures to be uploaded.
Thanks to the turtle speed connection.

yeah,i called that clean.=x
Thats all for the spa things,More coming up,aite?
P.s Finally i knew how this NUFFNANG thingy works,
you click the ADVERTISEMENT,
i get paid.
Thanks alotsa very muchie.Keep this blog alive!=x