Bus waiting
7/15/2009 11:40:00 AMCurrent Track:Mariah Carey-Always be my baby
Current Mood:Independable(Dont know what that means)
Current Mood:Independable(Dont know what that means)
Class ended early bits today
Had some discussions with the new classmates over the talk show.
The assignment for public speaking this semester is to host a "Talk Show"
it's not 10 minutes speech anymore.
No idea whether it's a good thing or bad.
Thou i'm quite okay with talk shows,like i watched some of em and always wanted to host one
but i'm too lazy to come up with ideas and stuff.
Some people have no idea whats a talk show or ever watched one.
One of the member of our group came up with an idea nyways.

"Beauty vs Brain"
Which i,personally think it's a great topic.But the probs is i have no idea how to convert it to a talk show.Like,we dont have a beauty icon or what to invite for a talk show.wtf.
Their discussion just now reminds of how we tb1s used to discuss last time.
Totally have no idea what to do and things,haha.gosh.
So i'm basically like the bossy one,ordering them to do stuffs.
I dont think thats good for some people but what to do,if i dont tell em what to do
we'll just sit around the foyer for hours discussing nothing.
No one to blame tho,because we used to be like that during sem 1,wandering around at reading room for discussion but at the end we only decided on when to sing karaoke.opps.
Yawns....whatelse to type here........................
it's a no purpose post btw,because i'm waiting for the bus which only come in an hour.
So i had to talk to someone,which apparently there's no one.
Writing my blog is like i'm talking to a person who's like listening all these goddamn nonsense from me.haks.I'm so actually multitasking here,blogging and waiting for bus.
So thoughtful,or else i'll waste that 3 dollars by taking a cab home.
The weather today makes me felt staying home.
but i had to get my freaking clothes from dobby and print some notes cause my printer is out of inkness.
I heard an advice from a celebrity and a doctor.
Dont know whether it's real or healthy btw.
The trick to reduce body fat is to
"Not eat anything after 4p.m. and you can eat whatever you like before that.ANYTHING!"
You just dont have to eat after 4pm.
I think it's only useful for people who sleeps early like 9pm or earlier.
People who sleeps at 1 or 2 am cant stand the hunger right.
All these diet tricks is only applies to different individual from doctor right?
I once heard my very plus size relative,she had Sammi Cheng's diet menu.
And she really lose weight like crazy obvious but not like sammi bone stick kind tho.
gah...it's not like i can stand the temptaion of nice food.
P.s Sorry to Lis for the very late confirmation of the trip.