Cousin's Wedding
10/26/2009 04:49:00 PMPeople getting married younger and younger these days,eh?
"Oh,your cousin is getting married next week!
Bam! Your other cousin is getting married next month!
Boom! Another one two months later!
Pow! One more next year!"
Which crazy-ass cupid is on the loose?
You know those "3ku6poh" relatives,or maybe i can say older people loves it when the younger
generation ties the knot as young as possible.
"So that we can make like 2000 babies before getting expired"
Thats what they have in mind like all day!
What's so big deal with all these marriage at young age thingy?
I meant i'm not some anti-marriage kind of guy,i do want to tie the knot someday.
That Someday would be anytime i WANT it to be,it's not like i'll do it because all these auntieuncle sukahati,right?
Whatever the case,let's get back to topic.
There's this cousin of mine who was like one or two year older than me,he's like the youngest and the erm innocent one?i'm not sure tho,but he's the first one to get married instead of his two elder brother who has a gf for like over 100 years ago.
I didnt attend the whole Chinese-Bride-Fetching ceremony thingy cause our family is not like very close to em.Btw,did i mention he married a Philipino girl?
Yeah,Philipino as in people from Philipine who doesnt have an ID here.
But hey,i'm no racist here please,Philipinos can really sing well.
Go search for "Rin on the Rox" on youtube.One of em is Philipino.=)
So,my father and i attended their wedding dinner at some famous chinese restaurant here at Sandakan.Famous for their Low price but really nice food.Like Really nice.
There's this one thing about wedding dinner.
Those long time no see relatives are like "woah"! when they saw you.
One of em even said this to me wtf
There's this one thing about wedding dinner.
Those long time no see relatives are like "woah"! when they saw you.
One of em even said this to me wtf
"Eih,i thought you're the one getting married?"
i sooo wanna numbchuck her.
Since the restaurant is not glam and small,i didnt bother to take 5608380 pictures.
If i really did took pictures,it's only these two.Sorry,not even the couple.
Cause i had a feeling like,those people doesnt like being photographed.So i had to be polite.=(

I really like meeting up with some close relatives tho.
Getting all chatty and having nice food.
The feeling is like undescribeable when i saw my cousin being so happy that night.We might not be close but we're still relatives what.The bride is actually quite chineselookin and cute.She actually smirks a few times when the MC yells "YUM SENG"!! I think she actually doesnt know chinese.