RiRi's Comeback!
11/06/2009 05:05:00 PMAfter months of the woman beating case,
RiRi is all back and about to speak out!

A brave confession on Good Morning America, Rihanna finally admits that she is "embarrassed" about her fatal attraction to her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown. So fatal, that she went back to him "eight or nine times" after he beat her up.K. Check this: he held her in a headlock twice and bit her on the ear and fingers during their domestic squabble.
"That's embarrassing that that's the type of person that I fell in love with," Rihanna 'fesses up. "So far in love. So unconditional that I went back. It's humiliating to say this happened. To accept that? It's a traumatising experience. I stayed. I even went back after he beat me, which was wrong."
How could she be so stupid, you ask? "There are a lot of women who've experienced what I did, but not in the public... It's completely normal to go back," the R&B pop star reasons out. "You start lying to yourself the minute the physical wounds go away. It's not right. I learned the hard way, but again, this is what I want people to know. When I realised that my selfish decision for love could result in some young girl getting killed, I could not be easy with that part. I couldn't be held responsible for telling them go back."

Now, Rihanna has pledged to use her personal experience to help women who are victims of domestic violence. "Even if Chris never hit me again, who is to say that their boyfriend won't? Who's to say that they won't kill these girls? These are young girls and I just didn't realise how much of an impact I had on these girls' lives until that happened. It was a wake up call for me big time. Especially when I took myself out of the situation. And I'll say that to any young girl who's going through domestic violence. Don't react off of love. F (F**k) love. Come out of the situation and look at it for what it really is and then make your decision, because love is so blind."
At least she knows it's soooooooo not the right thing to do.
Here's the vid.
Sources from GalaxieBlog.com.my