NewYear 09!
1/03/2010 03:06:00 PMCurrent Track:Alicia Keys-Doesnt mean anything
Current Mood:Getting over something.
"Happy New Year!"
I've been procrastinatin' this post for like forever.
Sorry for the late greeting,btw.
I hope you really had a great and Joyous NewYear with your friends and family.
2009 to me was not really a good year.
Dont really wanna list out why.Go to my archives to find out,if you're interested.
So i'm hoping for a better year to come.
Starting my degree and stuff,hopefully things would work out just fine.=)

What have you guys been doing on NewYear's Eve?
As for me,Bestie Howard and i had a plan for countdown and fireworks at Curve.
Since sista was workin late & i couldnt let her celebrate NYE alone,she tagged along right after.

Thats the Street@Curve.
Shameless ass posin' in the middle of the street.

Since there was still an hour before countdown & yours truly was like superbly hungry.
We headed to TonyRoma's for dinner.
The "thinkhe'ssomachowaiter" asked us to wait for 30minutes,wtf.
After waited for 30minutes and we were seated,they gave us a card claiming that's the menu for
the night.
They had prepared NYE set dinner and that only.Nothing else.At the price of 80dollars per
person,i would rather pass since the selection was not something i wanted to eat.What if i wanted to eat Buffalo wings for NYE?

So we headed to the next restaurant,Manhattan Fish Market!
Was considering to order their Christmas Platter with icecream and stuff,
but the Ms.Bootyliciouswaitress suggested us to order this Lobster Platter@Rm99.
It was omfg gooooood.Nom-ness.Best platter to order if you're going with 1 or 2 friends.

Bestie Howard and yours truly.

Ms.Bootylicious melting the cheese on our Lobster.

Right after dinner,we went out to the street.
The crowd were ready for the countdown.Getting their stupid snow spray ready.
I hate snow sprays,well hated to be sprayed at by aggresive strangers.
There were idiots all around selling them rm10 for 4 cans.

Then we saw this hugeass screen
and everyone was anticipating for the big numbers showing on it during countdown.
Guess what,it didnt!!All they showed were some freaking commercial during countdown.

Cool building next to Curve lightin' up for NYE!

Quick Camwhore before countdown.=)

Happy New Year y'all!

In 2010, i wish you and your family
-have great and happy life
-good health
-achieve flying colours in exams for those who study
-earn much much much more money for those who work
-get a boyfriend/girlfriend if you havent already
-and more more more more great things to come!