The Edmund's Hiatus:The Reason

9/29/2010 01:11:00 AM

Starbucks in midnight is so awesome.

Just got back from supper with the sister.Decided to go Asia Cafe but they are closed so linger around Sunway Pyramid and most shops are closed too.It's just 11pm++.So we decided to go for lok lok at Subang and Starbucks afterthat.Seriously,i still dont get it.What is so freaking big deal about having a beverage from Starbucks?
I think most of you peeps have encountered this before.People saying you "Woah,rich people worr,drink starbucks!" everytime you're holding a starbuck drink.What the hell guys?

Alright.enough about that.THIS IS NOT A RANTING POST.
Back to the issue.If you dont know,The Edmund's blog has been on Hiatus for like few weeks and you get a "you're not invited to read this blog" when you clicked on my url.

Well,the reason is that someone of a lil authority in my life miraculously found the way here and scrap through my archives.It's not like i have anything secretive here that cannot be seen,afterall it's a blog and it's suppose to let people read about it.It's just some people love to dig people's past and try to break your life into pieces when they have a chance to.Why? cause they are unable to live a better life when they are like me,at my age and now what they can do is to make people like me to lead a life that is as bad as theirs.Hello? it's 2010.Get out of your little old school mentality,cmon.

Gosh,i knew that the more i type,harsher words are gonna eventually come out.Been there,done that.
Whatever the case,i've decided to re-open up this blog because you can do nothing about it.This is how i felt,how i live my life and what are you doing here if not enjoying reading about it?

If i'm you,i would probably go save myself the time to live life,better.

So,get a life.

P.s I'm back blogging,peeps and i'm feeling kind of excited about it cause i have so much to tell.

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