Merry Creasemust evaliwan!
Belated tho
Current track-Can i have this dance-Zac & Vanessa
oh-so-high-school i know
Well,Christmas was alright...all so merry and stuff
celebrated with family
and total 0% with friends
Takin pictures,givin and receivin presents,xmas trees,fake snows
I loved christmas
Got Dozens of greeting from people..
Thanks alottysomuch
1)Xmas teddy bear
2)Santa Claus Mug
3)A notebook
4)A pencil case
I got the above for xmas
3 & 4 reminds me finals is near
Thats all bouttit
I realized that i always not post pictures & blog a very little thesedays
Too frus to plug this & that for the pic
Too frus to blog without pic
Maybe when i got myself a new laptop
New cellphone with 20000 megapixels cam
Then i'll behave like a blogger
Ciao for now
Hateful for around holidays classes
Belated tho
Current track-Can i have this dance-Zac & Vanessa
oh-so-high-school i know
Well,Christmas was alright...all so merry and stuff
celebrated with family
and total 0% with friends
Takin pictures,givin and receivin presents,xmas trees,fake snows
I loved christmas
Got Dozens of greeting from people..
Thanks alottysomuch
1)Xmas teddy bear
2)Santa Claus Mug
3)A notebook
4)A pencil case
I got the above for xmas
3 & 4 reminds me finals is near
Thats all bouttit
I realized that i always not post pictures & blog a very little thesedays
Too frus to plug this & that for the pic
Too frus to blog without pic
Maybe when i got myself a new laptop
New cellphone with 20000 megapixels cam
Then i'll behave like a blogger
Ciao for now
Hateful for around holidays classes