Section 14 McDonalds
4/23/2009 11:07:00 PMCaution
Mcdonalds at SECTION 14 is DANGEROUS!!
I dont understand why there's soooo many weird problematic people at this restaurant.
i've encountered with some of them personally
so,incase you MUST go to this branch of McD,
Please beware of:
1)An Indian Plus Size Woman
-Looked super friendly
-Speaks Fluent English
-Talks to almost anyone
-Always discriminate MALAYS
*She always tend to act like she got robbed,or lost her purse/phone/wtv
then she'll ask to borrow your cellphone to call someone Really important*
(To brush her off,tell her your cell is out of credit/you dont have a cellphone)
I saw her borrowed a fellow's cell to talked like45 minutes
She even borrowed Ernst phone to call around 20 minutes
2)A Chinese Old Man
-Wears Scruffy Jeans & torned out shirt
-Super Red & scary eyes
-Pale Skin
-Carrying a jeans fabric bag
-Walks around pointlessly
*I bet he's got some mental problem,he'll just go around and observe everything
Dont you try to look at him or let him know you looked at him,he'll be alerted and starts to come closer to you*
I've encountered with this man just few nights ago,he saw us lookin at him,
then he starts to walk to the behind of my seat (with a mirror gap) and stood there,
after that,he tried to peep at us...and all of a sudden he jumped right next to me
because i think he suspects we're looking at him or something horror movie like
*Freaking Shocked,Man*
Whatever the case,beware of your surroundings
Crime rates these days are increasing sooo much
Mcdonalds at SECTION 14 is DANGEROUS!!
I dont understand why there's soooo many weird problematic people at this restaurant.
i've encountered with some of them personally
so,incase you MUST go to this branch of McD,
Please beware of:
1)An Indian Plus Size Woman
-Looked super friendly
-Speaks Fluent English
-Talks to almost anyone
-Always discriminate MALAYS
*She always tend to act like she got robbed,or lost her purse/phone/wtv
then she'll ask to borrow your cellphone to call someone Really important*
(To brush her off,tell her your cell is out of credit/you dont have a cellphone)
I saw her borrowed a fellow's cell to talked like45 minutes
She even borrowed Ernst phone to call around 20 minutes
2)A Chinese Old Man
-Wears Scruffy Jeans & torned out shirt
-Super Red & scary eyes
-Pale Skin
-Carrying a jeans fabric bag
-Walks around pointlessly
*I bet he's got some mental problem,he'll just go around and observe everything
Dont you try to look at him or let him know you looked at him,he'll be alerted and starts to come closer to you*
I've encountered with this man just few nights ago,he saw us lookin at him,
then he starts to walk to the behind of my seat (with a mirror gap) and stood there,
after that,he tried to peep at us...and all of a sudden he jumped right next to me
because i think he suspects we're looking at him or something horror movie like
*Freaking Shocked,Man*
Whatever the case,beware of your surroundings
Crime rates these days are increasing sooo much