Sunday Morning:19th April 2009

4/19/2009 11:07:00 AM

Morning peeeps
Rise & Shine!

it's a B-E-A-UTIFUL Sunday Morning
Woke up a little early this morning,around 8smthing
enjoyed the early morning sunshine and heat?
Just had my cup noodle breakfast & watched a bit of Top Model
Time passes so fast for this weekend
i cant believe it's sunday already
Normally,the edmund-weekend-time now is like Saturday Afternoon

Finally,its study week after today
you guys gon study for the whole danging week?
Thats not gonna be ME for sure
I'm probably going to start on Wednesday ot Thursday
Cause i must be taking the first few days off to really chill and assemble the studying spirit in me
gahh....crap for you right?=X
Well,thats because i didnt aim to score like A or A- for maths
i'm already mighty glad if i passed it with a C or worse D
so thats about it

So,enjoy your study week!
a lil tip here tho,if you dont feel like studying yet,dont
cause you'll end up facing the lecture notes and thinking about RedBox at the same time
go hang out or take a chill pill!
(We have a week to go right,well..not for you,Study Freak!)

P.S:Try out COFFEE RITUAL at ss14,they make good coffee and nice Western food

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