Out & About
5/03/2009 06:08:00 PMCurrent Track:Spice Girls-Mama (woot,mama's day's coming right)
Current Mood:Full & Tired
Finally,i graced some of the malls after the 2 hellabored days
Spent the weekend with my elder sis
Nothing much,just hanging around malls & doing nothing but eat.
Weekends right,Redbox is always packed with people
and there are no movies we wanna watch in common..
so.....all we did was just wanderin around..=x
Went to One U on Saturday,nothing much there
not even too many people,prolly gone back to hometown since Friday was Labour's Day
walking around,checkin topman out,Wong kok & stuff

Watched the Fashion Show there,not too Pro but still okay

Sunday,went to Pyramid for a Haircut
My sis was freakin out to see my curly locks grown so long
She's like"I dont care,you Must cut it today"
So we went to APT
i asked for the Professional Hairdresser,cause they have nothing better than that
They gave me an Old Man,i was like "hmm....Okay"
and the result is ugghhh...like i can ask some cheap 10 dollar barber to cut it
sooo not going to APT no more
(When you pay more,you expect more what)

(Located near the skating place)
Serving Local-like Food

It's a SHOULD,if you eat there.

3 riceballs with different fillings,redbean,peanut & black sesame
It's a MUST,if you eat there.
Then headed to TROPICANA MALL
cause it's too early to go home..
Watched some Magic Show there,it's a big thing
cause they have Host from Taiwan & China idk who are they lah =x

Weird name,guess it ryhmes with the chinese name right?
Serving Hong Kong-like food
Suitable for people with light budget =)

Definitely for Cheese Lovers & Carnivores

Nice outlook & the gravy is savoury
and yah,no BEEF for the weekend =x=x
Thats it for the weekend,now i'm back at section17
after all these food,it's time to starve alone in the room again=(
btw,waiting for interesting stuff to happen,hopefully
P.S:Food-blogging is kinda fun