UTAR Graduation Night & Some random stuffs.
5/12/2009 07:30:00 PM
UTAR End Of Foundation Year 08/09 Graduation Night
Bought your tickets yet?
Here are some Info that you needa know:
Date:15th May 2009
Venue:PD 011,FICT,UTAR PJ Campus
For those of you who havent got your tickets,What are you thinking?
Please "Light-Speed" call these people up for your tickets.
Alvin Tan-016 6405292
Lissa Yang-017 3075811
Edmund Kwan-012 8162056 =)
You only have 3 days left to buy this tix.Bring along all your friends,partner,fiance wtf
You Non-Utarians are welcome to this event too,i mean ANYONE.
RM 20.00 per tix and you'll enjoy:

So,What are you waiting for?
Go get yourself a ticket for a night full of fun and enjoyment!
Go to http://utargraduationnight.blogspot.com for more info.=)
P.s:DJ EDMUND will be spinning the music all-night-long. LOL
Current Track:Rihanna-Rehab
Current Mood:Boredomness
Current Mood:Boredomness
Alright,back to personal business.=)
I've been going out like non-stop since last Sat.
Yeah,i know thats what i wished for since the last finals paper.
but i'm actually getting really exhausted.
So,decided to stay in today for some music & drama =)
Been to Bukit Tinggi Jusco on Saturday.
For the very first time,that place is packed with peeps.
I'm actually scared that the escalator will collapse when i stepped on it.
Went to Sungei Wang on Sunday
Nothing special tho,still full of Lalaness LaLa
Yesterday,went for k-session at Gardens & LokLok at ss2.
Nuff with words,here are some random pictures.

Dataran Merdeka
Bro-In-Law went there to shoot some pics with his mighty SLR
Ernst's NASTY mirror.Took it while waiting for him to get ready for k-sess.
The oh-so-cute nephew.
Met him on Sunday.As playful ever.
Kecil kecil pakai GUESS sudah. sads.
The end of graduation night means it's the end of everything here in PJ.(for me)
I'll spend the rest of this week at PD
Meeting & preparing for the night.
So,cheers for the last week k?
I've been going out like non-stop since last Sat.
Yeah,i know thats what i wished for since the last finals paper.
but i'm actually getting really exhausted.
So,decided to stay in today for some music & drama =)
Been to Bukit Tinggi Jusco on Saturday.
For the very first time,that place is packed with peeps.
I'm actually scared that the escalator will collapse when i stepped on it.
Went to Sungei Wang on Sunday
Nothing special tho,still full of Lalaness LaLa
Yesterday,went for k-session at Gardens & LokLok at ss2.
Nuff with words,here are some random pictures.

Dataran Merdeka
Bro-In-Law went there to shoot some pics with his mighty SLR

Met him on Sunday.As playful ever.
Kecil kecil pakai GUESS sudah. sads.
The end of graduation night means it's the end of everything here in PJ.(for me)
I'll spend the rest of this week at PD
Meeting & preparing for the night.
So,cheers for the last week k?