After a night out in Central, Gary Cho (曹格) and Justin Lo (側田) had a dispute inside the taxi on the ride home. The dispute escalated and resulted in the taxi making an immediate stop. The intoxicated Gary walked out and kicked Justin who was still inside the taxi. Both of them were involved in a brawl for 30 minutes until their friends broke it up.
Around 1am, Gary and Justin, along with a group of friends chilled at a bar in Central. Under the influence of alcohol, both of them engage in an altercation, resulted in them being on the floor in the end. After the first dispute they caught the same taxi to leave.
Here's the video,Round ONE! DINGS!
Not long after the taxi ride, the second phase of the dispute erupted, the taxi had to stop immediately, Gary got out and kicked Justin who was still in the taxi at the time, Justin retaliated and had to be stopped by their mutual friend.
Justin ended up on the sidewalk clutching his privates, it appeared that Gary kicked him there when he was in the taxi. His hat never came off during both altercations, it is made to believe he uses glue so that his hat always sticks to his head.
Notice the Bald spot on Justin's head?I dont wanna believe that =(
My Opinion:That Gary Dude is crazy.Beating up Justin like a lil Monkey.No matter what the case is,VIOLENCE is never a SOLUTION!
The video for round TWO is at the end of this post!DIngs!
Current Mood:Loungy
I'm back home safe and sound y'all.Been staying home ever since the day i arrived(almost 3 days).
Dont really feel like going out to meet some friends yet.Had to spend more time with my family.It's not really good for me to just come back and then keep going out with friends,right?I didnt even bother to inform my friends that i'm back.All of em saw it on Facebook and kept texting me.=)
For now,i'm like all back to basics.Doing nothing and living my life aimlessly for these few months.Well,thats holiday right?Dont tell me all those "learn guitar or french lahh".You know i'm not going to.I can wake up at 12pm and then my breakfast is ready in the kitchen.All i need to worry is what to do NEXT?hah.Pathetic.Mum was soo*surprised* that i actually cleaned all the dishes after dinner the other night.She was like "woah,thats your first time."Hatesit when she says that.I DID clean the dishes before kay.Everytime i do some chores,she'll be like "Great,first time".Funny.
The reason i'm writing this post is that i've nothing else better to do.Facebook-ed,Twitter-ed,Youtube-ed.Whatelse?gosh gosh gosh.
Btw,here's a video that i found on Youtube.It's a parody to Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me.
Freaking funny.You guys better check it out.Type Venetian Princess and you'll see her other videos.
or you can just click HERE. ENJOY!!
Happy close-to-weekend y'all!!
Current Mood:Chilled
Hey guys!Gonna have a lil update before going back to Borneo.Been going out non-stop for these 4 Hari Raya Holidays.Nothing much to do,just went to buy some stuffs for my parents.Lucky for me,Dad sent some extra cash for me to splurge.I mean,i can at least buy things without worrying for the price for my last few days.*Grins*
You know,it's not nice to go back without buying them anything,right?So i ended up searching for things to buy for them these few days.
1)An electronic Ladybird back massager for dad.
2)Three Blue Rays for dad too.He's alot like me,so into movies.
3)A japanese product.It's called the Stainless Steel Soap.(Instruction says it's for deodorizing the hands after touching smelly things like fish.)
4)A big photo book around 40 or 50 bugs for mum.Stuffed with all the pictures of me and sista.
Basically,they have everything,i dont really know what else to buy.So,i'll have to go with the weird things.FYI,my mum is like not into pricey stuffs,she prefer things like a hand made card or something like that.
Gosh,looking at the's 1246am.I'll have to wake up at 5am later and go to the airport at 6am cause my flight is at 0805am.=(
The next time you see a post,i'll be back at my home sweet home!! =)
p.s i miss Kayelle already!
Current Mood:Dreamy
who furthered their study to some Greatass nice countries far-far-away?
Like you'll be thinking to yourself..
"oh,he's a freaking nerd at high school who sits alone during recess
and now he's over at London studying!!!!"
And you saw their pictures all over facebook with album name like
"My new life!New Me!New Place!"
argh.....yeah..that got oh-so-jealous.WTF.
Well,for now imma leave the stinking jealousy aside
and tell you where my DREAM Country would be!


but for me it's like all New York.
I just love the busy streets..the lights..
even their cabs looks nicer (dont know bout the driver,their usually rude in movies,ha)

What am i saying damn it.

Actually i personally have a close friend who went to New York for vacation.
Her vacation went on for half year...and she actually did livee in some of those apartments
and live a life as a New Yorker.Jealous hell!
I dont know..i just felt this place is like full of dreams.
It's like you can do whatever you want easily,gosh.
Maybe i just watched too much TV.
Whatever,i just so wanna go America.


I'm the only son you see,i cant just fly to the big apple,right?
yeah,what you said is right
"Wow,Dream Big!"
P.s i'm officially done with exams,will be having a break til January.=)=)
Cant even sleep due to the pain.
Some thing poked into my broken tooth while i was eating the other day.
So,decided to visit the dentist,without appointment.
Cause i need to be back to pj tomorrow for my finals.
The earliest appointment is NEXT FEBRUARY!

So i asked for this instead.Save me!
It was on Sunday Morning when my sis suggested to join cousin for the trip.
Alright! Less words and More pictures.

Since it's a one day trip,we're not going to stay in there
It costs around Rm1000++ per night.*Jaw dropped*

I never knew it was a polluted beach =(

Click HERE for the details of The Legend Water Chalet
P.s I'm having the worst toothache ever for now..Gosh.Bad timing,i have to start hitting the books for finals=(
Current Mood:=I
but i cant differentiate which is oysters and which is mussels?omg

It's like the best place for fried oyster,according to her.
Honestly,i dont really fancy this kind of restaurant.Altho they are penny-savers.

i think they are supposed to be called as fried cockles right?idk.
Btw,it's called oh jien in some Hokkien Language i think.delicious.

I know i did mention bout lok lok not good for the H1N1 season,right but whatever.

Smells good and not sticky.Not bad compared to Dettol's.
Try Watson's hand sanitizer!Smelt like Carlsberg goshy.

I watched it like4-5 times dy.Some people are like "so boring lohh,that movie....dont know what so nice you always watchit.."