Dream Country
9/18/2009 05:06:00 PMCurrent Track:Taylor Swift-White Horse
Current Mood:Dreamy
Ever felt super jealous when you viewed some pictures of your friends
who furthered their study to some Greatass nice countries far-far-away?
Like you'll be thinking to yourself..
"oh,he's a freaking nerd at high school who sits alone during recess
and now he's over at London studying!!!!"
And you saw their pictures all over facebook with album name like
"My new life!New Me!New Place!"
argh.....yeah..that got me.like oh-so-jealous.WTF.
Well,for now imma leave the stinking jealousy aside
and tell you where my DREAM Country would be!

Guess where?
I knew people would probably say places like Japan,China,Hong Kong Egypt Dubai wtv..
but for me it's like all New York.
I just love the busy streets..the lights..
even their cabs looks nicer (dont know bout the driver,their usually rude in movies,ha)
I'm so into having my own space,my own life and a perfect job there.
Have an apartment at places like these.I'm not very into Villa and Mansion at the moment.
What am i saying damn it.
This is SOHO btw.
Actually i personally have a close friend who went to New York for vacation.
Her vacation went on for half year...and she actually did livee in some of those apartments
and live a life as a New Yorker.Jealous hell!
I dont know..i just felt this place is like full of dreams.
It's like you can do whatever you want easily,gosh.
Maybe i just watched too much TV.
Whatever,i just so wanna go America.
Aint it Dreamy?ha.
For now,i'll just settle with PJ.
I'm the only son you see,i cant just fly to the big apple,right?
yeah,what you said is right
"Wow,Dream Big!"
P.s i'm officially done with exams,will be having a break til January.=)=)
who furthered their study to some Greatass nice countries far-far-away?
Like you'll be thinking to yourself..
"oh,he's a freaking nerd at high school who sits alone during recess
and now he's over at London studying!!!!"
And you saw their pictures all over facebook with album name like
"My new life!New Me!New Place!"
argh.....yeah..that got me.like oh-so-jealous.WTF.
Well,for now imma leave the stinking jealousy aside
and tell you where my DREAM Country would be!


but for me it's like all New York.
I just love the busy streets..the lights..
even their cabs looks nicer (dont know bout the driver,their usually rude in movies,ha)

What am i saying damn it.

Actually i personally have a close friend who went to New York for vacation.
Her vacation went on for half year...and she actually did livee in some of those apartments
and live a life as a New Yorker.Jealous hell!
I dont know..i just felt this place is like full of dreams.
It's like you can do whatever you want easily,gosh.
Maybe i just watched too much TV.
Whatever,i just so wanna go America.


I'm the only son you see,i cant just fly to the big apple,right?
yeah,what you said is right
"Wow,Dream Big!"
P.s i'm officially done with exams,will be having a break til January.=)=)