The Edmund's Goes to Port Dickson
9/08/2009 02:00:00 PMSuperbly unplanned and random trip.
It was on Sunday Morning when my sis suggested to join cousin for the trip.
Alright! Less words and More pictures.

The Legend Water Chalet
Since it's a one day trip,we're not going to stay in there
It costs around Rm1000++ per night.*Jaw dropped*

The beach...Not what i expected.I can say Cherating is way better than this.
I never knew it was a polluted beach =(
The Peeps! Esther,Edmund,Paul,Christopher and Michelle.

The sweetest couple ever!Gosh,they sure know how to pose!

Well,those were the crazyass things we did at PD.=)
Nice trip i can say.Relax myself before the finals!=(
Click HERE for the details of The Legend Water Chalet
P.s I'm having the worst toothache ever for now..Gosh.Bad timing,i have to start hitting the books for finals=(
It was on Sunday Morning when my sis suggested to join cousin for the trip.
Alright! Less words and More pictures.

Since it's a one day trip,we're not going to stay in there
It costs around Rm1000++ per night.*Jaw dropped*

I never knew it was a polluted beach =(

Click HERE for the details of The Legend Water Chalet
P.s I'm having the worst toothache ever for now..Gosh.Bad timing,i have to start hitting the books for finals=(